Hair loss in women

In this article, we try to talk about the causes of hair loss in women. Join us

Hair loss in women

There are several reasons for hair loss in women, some of which are:
*Hormonal changes

1.Hair types

hair color (blonde, red, brown, gray, black)
geometrical features ( straight, curly, wavy, buzz)
amount of fat in scalp ( normal, dry, greasy)

2.Hair diseases

hair whitening
hair leprosy
seborrheic dermatitis
hair dandruff
hair loss
alopecia aureate

3.Hair transplant methods

follicular unit extraction (FUE)
follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

4.Causes of hair loss

over stretching
hormonal changes
burns and surgeries
Hormonal changes
Burns and surgeries
Stretch hair roots
Hormonal changes and heredity are the most common causes of hair loss in women.
The problem with hair loss and reducing the density of women’s hair is that, when the hair density is low in the middle of the head, this hair loss also extends to the top of ear. However, in most of these women the back hair also becomes thinner but not as much as middle of the head. Therefore, the hair of the hair of the back area can be used to repair the front and middle of the head.


Hair transplantation in women:

The result of hair transplant in one session for women will never be like a hair transplant session for men because in women candidates for hair transplantation, the hair is thin on the back (hair source). By the way you can create a 30-60 percent increase during a hair transplant session in the area where the transplant is performed in women. In women, grafts contain less and thinner hair.
Another reason for hair transplantation in women is the long forehead which is congenital or because of the stretching face and foreheads skin. In such cases, the hair growth line in front of the head should come lower about 2-4 cm to show a natural forehead.
Start your hair transplant training courses with Tehran Health Complex.

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