Everything about hair loss-2022

Hair loss is a common and unpleasant symptom. Most people who are referred to a dermatologist complain of hair loss (as the first or second complaint) but in fact most of them do not have abnormal hair loss.

Hair loss:

 The concept and cause of abnormal hair loss revealed by a thorough examination by a dermatologist.

1.Hair types

hair color (blonde, red, brown, gray, black)
geometrical features ( straight, curly, wavy, buzz)
amount of fat in scalp ( normal, dry, greasy)

2.Hair diseases

hair whitening
hair leprosy
seborrheic dermatitis
hair dandruff
hair loss
alopecia aerate

3.Hair transplant methods

follicular unit extraction (FUE)
follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

4.Causes of hair loss

over stretching
hormonal changes
burns and surgeries

Baldness and hair loss can be divided into two types:

Baldness and hair loss can be divided into two types:

1. A condition which hair follicles are permanently destroyed.

This condition is called hair loss due to scarring and in that baldness is irreversible. This bunch of baldness (provided the baldness process is switched off or the disease is under control) respond well to natural hair transplant. The causes of this type of hair loss is varied and some of them are:
Fungal and microbial skin infection, healed place of some skin diseases like young pimples, Lichen Planus and lupus, damages to the skin such as burns and various skin injuries and scar in place of sutures after skin surgery like after facial skin surgery.

2. Hair loss with no permanent damage to the root of the hair.

This condition applies to hair loss without scarring. Cases of this type hair loss are reversible and completely repairable and in some cases baldness is irreversible. The recent cause is that minor and repeated damage to hair onion has lost the ability to repair and regenerate hair and gradually the root of the hair disappears irreversibly.

Some common causes of this type of baldness are:

Over-stretching the hair due to brush, comb, hair tie, hair coloring, mash, hair dryer and etc.  Lack of foodstuffs, hormonal disorder, nervous problems in which a person deliberately but involuntarily removes his or her hair and it’s called trichotillomania, fever diseases, extensive surgical procedures, medicines, intoxications, radiotherapy, chemotherapy, men’s hair loss, baldness due to congenital issues and post-partum hair loss.
Totally the most common reason of hair loss in men’s and women’s is androgenic also design and model of this type of baldness is different for men’s and women’s. This type of hair loss respond well to natural hair transplant.
Normally about 100 strands of hair removed daily and if you wash your hair every day removing 120-150 hair strands a day is normal. To know if there is really abnormal hair loss, you should not wash your hair for at least a week and in this time collect all of the removed hairs and count them then divide them to number of days.
If there is more than this number we should think of a solution. The other way to know this content is lifting a handful of about 100 hairs by hand. If the person didn’t bathe the day before 4-5 hair strands removes normally and more than this needs investigation and treatment it’s better to do this test in different parts of head.


Everything about hair loss

In other way hair loss divided to two groups:

In other way hair loss divided to two groups:

A. Sometime hair loss occurs during illness and other issues

it’s the symptom of that issue and in this situation in majority of cases treating the condition automatically improves the hair loss over time (sometimes it takes years). Some example of this kind of hair loss are:
Infectious diseases especially with high fever, malnutrition and nutritional deficiency especially iron deficiency (That is a very important cause of hair loss in women), Folic acid deficiency and proteins deficiency, hormonal disorder like thyroid gland diseases (hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism), ovarian disorder, Pituitary gland disease and adrenal.
And all internal diseases that have chronic nature like types of cancers, kidney and liver failure, poisoning with arsenic, thallium and rat poison, excessive using of A and E vitamins, cancers chemotherapy and radiotherapy, mental stress, permanent depression and psychological imbalance, surgery especially large surgeries, long term use of nerve drugs (carbamazepine and lithium), some antihypertensive drugs, Indomethacin (painkiller), gentamicin (antibiotique),  Accutane (anti-acne) and anticancer drugs and long-term discontinuation birth control pills and croton.
The important point about the above causes is that in most cases the hair loss is several months after the cause of the hair loss and so it is difficult for the patient to find the cause and effect relationship.
In this type of baldness, hair loss usually occurs in the Telogen phase this means that lost hairs have wand-like end and therefor, sometimes patient thinks that this part is due to the root of the hair but this is not true. Sometimes lost hairs are in anagen phase in this case sometimes the hair is crushed and not wand-like. After treatment the factor in hair loss, the hair will grow again but it may take one year or more for the hair to fully recover and its beauty to return to its original state. Here are some specific cases of this type of hair loss.


B. Hair loss is sometimes considered a separate disease and is evaluated.

Here are two important diseases that are: Alopecia aerate, androgenic alopecia
in Tehran Health Complex hair transplant training courses you learn about different types of hair loss.

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