Hair transplant surgery-2022

After hair transplant surgery, some of these complications will occur, which in many cases are normal and will resolve after a while.

Complications after hair transplant surgery:

After hair transplant surgery, some of these complications will occur, which in many cases are normal and will resolve after a while.

1.Hair types

hair color (blonde, red, brown, gray, black)
geometrical features ( straight, curly, wavy, buzz)
amount of fat in scalp ( normal, dry, greasy)

2.Hair diseases

hair whitening
hair leprosy
seborrheic dermatitis
hair dandruff
hair loss
alopecia areata

3.Hair transplant methods

follicular unit extraction (FUE)
follicular unit transplantation (FUT)

4.Causes of hair loss

over stretching
hormonal changes
burns and surgeries

1. Skin swelling:

Sometimes there is slight swelling on the forehead this is due to the liquid injections under the skin during hair transplantation. The following steps are helpful in reducing inflation:
Regard semi-sitting position during sleep for the first few nights, do not use the drug for two weeks (except for prescribed medications), ice compress on the forehead one an hour every time for 20 minutes immediately after hair transplant until bedtime (only for the first day) and using a headband (to increase liquid absorption).
In some cases, the swelling has been sever

2. Bleeding:

It is usually mild and it happens in less than half percent. Cold compress at the site of bleeding, compressive bandage and regard the semi-sitting position are useful.

3. Mild numbness and tingling in the hair donor area:

This condition is momentary and gets better on its own. Because of this numbness, the patients head is sometimes hit and he or she doesn’t understand. In rare cases, numbness lasts for weeks to heal.
Keeping the position warm is very effective in relieving numbness faster.

4. Allergy to drugs that are rare

Allergy to drugs that are rare

5. The difference between transplanted hair and previous hair:

it is in the terms of the curvature, color and diameter of hair that all of which are temporary.


Hair transplant surgery

6. Pain in the donor or recipient hair area:

which is often mild and transient and it gets better with using painkillers (according to the doctor’s prescription). With new hair transplant methods, severe headaches do not occur at all.

7. Itching:

Itching is very common and it happens because of the unwashed hair and the healing process of scalp wounds. It is not important to scratch the donor area, but in the planting area, it may cause damage to the planted grafts and so it is forbidden for first two weeks. Washing regularly, moisturize the hair transplant area with cool salt serum, betamethasone lotion and antihistamine tablets are useful.

8. Crust at the hair transplant area:

It usually occurs in first few days and it is due to the secretion of blood and serum from the grafts. Crusts are not a problem for transplanted hair and they fall gradually by themselves.

9. Move or exit grafts:

This condition is mild and does not matter. The reason is the scratching the position, impact, pulling grafts by the patient, brush and comb dry hair, bending too much while standing, and severe rubbing during washing and high shower pressure.

10. Pimples:

Few pimples are created forever and it doesn’t matter. The time for these lesions is from a few week to 4 months after surgery. To prevent pimples the hair transplant area should be washed well, and regularly clean with shampoo. The use of hot and humid water compresses is a treatment for pimples.
Hair transplantation is one of the most useful ways to get rid of baldness and hair thinning.

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