Hair Transplant Result

Hair transplantation is the process of removing a person’s hair from the donor areas to the hairless areas. It can take up to a year to see the final result of a hair transplant.

Hair Transplant Result:

In the following article, we will examine the course of developments and events after hair transplantation:

1.Hair types

  • hair color (blonde, red, brown, gray, black)
  • geometrical features ( straight, curly, wavy, buzz)
  • amount of fat in scalp ( normal, dry, greasy)

2.Hair diseases

  • hair whitening
  • hair leprosy
  • seborrhoeic dermatitis
  • hair dandruff
  • hair loss
  • alopecia areata

3.Hair transplant methods

4.Causes of hair loss

  • over stretching
  • diets
  • inheritance
  • stress
  • hormonal changes

burns and surgeries

Currently, the most effective and best method of hair transplantation is the use of SUT hair transplantation technique. By using this technique, the end result of hair transplantation is much better and the density of implanted hair is much higher than other methods.

In general, hair transplantation requires the patience of the applicant to achieve the desired result. But the end result of SUT hair transplantation and the high density of hair will definitely be worth this patience and will satisfy you completely.

The result of hair transplantation:

The end result of hair transplant depends entirely on the instructions given to you by your doctor.

After hair transplantation, scabs may form on the hair transplant site. These should not be touched. In 10 days, they will fall out on its own and some their hair will fall out too.

But the remaining stems grow after 3 weeks, which indicates that they have been transplanted

After 4 weeks, many of them fall off again. But the roots are alive under the skin and after about 4 months you will see the appearance of thin and fluffy hair and over time and after 9 months you will see thickening and increasing their number and density.

Summary of post-operative hair growth process:


One to six days after hair transplantation:

After the transplant, the person will have a slight swelling of the forehead for 1 week. In addition, after the transplant, there is a possibility of redness of the hair transplant site.

Ten to fourteen days after hair transplantation:

During this time, the hair will fall out for 3 weeks. This is perfectly normal. Also, when you wash your head, you will notice that is numb, which is normal and will go away in the next months.

Hair Transplant Result

One to three months after hair transplant:

At this time, you will see several new strands of hair on the scalp that may not grow evenly, but eventually all of them will grow completely. At first, these hairs are quite thin, but over time, they will become fuller and denser. During this time, acne can be a natural and positive way to grow new hair.

Five to six months after hair transplant:

Over time we will clearly see new hair. Two to three inches will be seen from the hair shaft and the hair will be fuller.

Eight to ten months after hair transplant:

During this time you will see significant results. Your hair is now fuller and longer than before.

One year after hair transplant:

Finally, the result can be seen a year after the hair transplant. Of course, in most cases, the shine of the hair is slightly reduced.

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